About Us

The Animal Collective (TAC) is a non-profit organisation based in La Linea de la Concepcion, Andalusia, Spain. (Charity No: G72370067) .

TAC consists on a passionate group of people united by the wish to educate people about the environment and animal cruelty, and to alleviate the plight of destitute and abandoned animals in the Campo de Gibraltar area and beyond.

To do this, we rely completely on the kindness and collaboration of volunteers.

EDUCATION – We organise education programmes to gradually alter minds and bring about greater respect towards our animals and environment. Most importantly, we educate children, while their values are still in the making, so that we can look forward to better days where animal cruelty is a thing of the past.
DOG TRAINING – We train shelter dogs using play and educational activities so that future owners and dogs can benefit from responsible adoptions where care and respect are paramount.
SERVICES – We have a data bank of volunteers happy to help with practical projects, whether simple or specialised, including building and maintenance work; alternatively, transporting animals to vets or new homes etc.

PRODUCTS – We provide products from the donations we gather – be it food, blankets, medications or cleaning products – all of which help to alleviate often overwhelming costs.

FUNDING – We organise numerous events to raise much-needed funds to help specific cases or purchase products to distribute to animal shelters across the region.

THERAPY – We work with people who have additional needs such as the elderly, the infirm or young people to create therapeutic partnerships where everybody wins. Assisted Therapies with Dogs (TAP) will provide professionally trained dogs that greatly help people deal with some medical conditions.

As you can see, there are many ways that you can get help to ease animal cruelty in Andalusia.

Together we really can make a difference, so why not get involved? We’d love to hear from you.