
“Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference” – Kathy Calvin

If you have old blankets, towels or bedding that you don’t know what to do with, don’t throw them out! They always come in handy at the shelters and we can pick them up from you if you cannot get to us or to one of our pick up points. Simply let us know and one of our volunteers will drop by to collect them.

Perhaps you’d like to help by buying an extra bag of dog food or some bleach for cleaning to donate to animals less well off than your own pets? Please do get in touch to find out when and where our next collections are taking place.

We never say no to money donations either. Big or small, one-off or regular, we are forever grateful for your donations. Rest assured that 100% of your contribution goes towards making the lives of destitute animals in our region that much better.

For only 1 euro a month you can join TAC´s Teaming Group. Teaming is great way to help on a monthly basis. Every penny counts! Invite your friends too!

You can also make monthly donations through Revolut, Paypal or Bank Transfer.

Revolut 0034 66 11 55 174

Bank Account: ES61 2100 2641 5102 1041 0899 – BIC: CAIXESBBXXX