Educational Resources

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

One of The Animal Collective’s main objectives is education, raising awareness and volunteering programs in order to reduce the horrendous number of 140 000 registered abandoned dogs and cats in Spain per year (according to a study provided by Affinity in 2019). Of course the actual figure is very likely double. With the volunteer programs we hope to train up a skillful and knowledgeable new generation of young volunteers to help out at shelters and also with fundraising and peer education programs.
Education is the only way to change attitudes towards animals and the environment. This will take time of course, maybe generations but we strongly believe that the seeds need to be planted now.
We offer workshops, talks, projects and volunteering opportunities in Spanish, English and German. Depending on the age group, ability and learning objective, we adapt the content and delivery respectively.

Some of our past session objectives have included the following:

  • Understand that animals have emotions/ feelings.
  • Learn about animal’s needs.
  • Understand what is considered animal abuse and what can be done about it.
  • Learn about the norms and laws regarding animals.
  • Learn about the current situation at the shelters in this area and their functioning.
  • Understand that everybody plays a part in this world and has a ‘response-ability’ and how each person can contribute in their own way.

This page will be regularly updated with new and improved resources.  Feel free to download anything you wish and use it in lessons or other educational settings and if you feel like giving a donation, we’d be delighted and grateful. 

Created by The Animal Collective

Charla para colegios

Para:  niños a partir de 8 años.

Duración: mínimo 60 minutos.

La charla tiene los apuntes al pie de cada página de la presentación. Los objetivos son:

  1. Conocer la normas municipales 
  2. Saber por lo menos 6 razones por qué animales llegan en la protectora
  3. Pensar en soluciones para disminuir el número de animales en las protectoras
  4. Saber las ventajas de adoptar en vez de comprar

Es una sesión interactiva, dependiendo del grupo y del tiempo, se podría hacer en grupos de 4 a 6 alumnos. Cuando se habla de las razones, los niños podrían crear un poster o realizar una actividad todos juntos. 

Reports and articles

Interesting and informative posters